Fields marked with an asterisk (* ) are complusory. You can add a picture to help other observers to identify you. Your contact information only will be used to keep you informed about the project or in case we need to contact you to learn more about some of your observations. You can change your personal information at all times. Once connected you can find all the necessary information by selecting "My Account" from the menu of the website (at the bottom left of the page). You will receive an email with the password you will need to connect a few minutes after you complete your registration. Observations concerning species of special conservation concern or sensitive data or comments that you explicitly hidden will not be visible by other people. The rest of your data and comments as well as the coordinates of the locations where you made the observations can be viewed by anyone else on the web. If you want, you can also hide data that you had sent earlier. All records submitted through will become part of the databases of the Catalan Ornithological Institute (ICO) in order to get solid and unbiased information that contributes to develop sound environmental policies and biodiversity conservation. By completing your registration you confirm that you have read and accepted the
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